MisterPlexi Alerts
White Plastic PEZ RAILS for Holding Pez Dispensers in placeWhite Plastic PEZ RAILS for Holding Pez Dispensers in place
12" PEZRAILS Shown
Black Plastic PEZ RAILS for Holding Pez Dispensers in placeBlack Plastic PEZ RAILS for Holding Pez Dispensers in place


Great for Holding your PEZ Dispensers Upright and In Place!

Made from slightly flexible black or white styrene

Holds MOST FOOTED PEZ Dispensers

PEZRAILS have a lip on front and back that fit OVER your Pez Dispensers Built-in Feet

PEZRAILS have 2-Sided Tape on Bottom to attach to your display, shelf, etc.

We can also cut to size (under 48") - call for details.

Made in USA

Our PEZ Rails are White or Black Plastic Rails or Channels to Hold Multiple PEZ Dispsers for Display. Our PEZ Rails are Slightly Flexible and Can Be Cut With Scissors For a More Precise Fit. Keep Your Prized PEZ Upright Where They Belong with MisterPlexi's PEZ Rails!

Click Stock Number Below for Picture and Pricing Description
PEZRAIL12-W WHITE 11 7/8" Length (Holds up to 8)
PEZRAIL12-B BLACK 11 7/8" Length (Holds up to 8)
PEZRAIL16-W WHITE 15 7/8" Length (Holds up to 10)
PEZRAIL16-B BLACK 15 7/8" Length(Holds up to 10)
PEZRAIL24-W WHITE 23 7/8" Length (Holds up to 16)
PEZRAIL24-B BLACK 23 7/8" Length(Holds up to 16)
PEZRAIL36-W WHITE 35 7/8" Length (Holds up to 24)
PEZRAIL36-B BLACK 35 7/8" Length (Holds up to 24)
PEZRAIL48-W WHITE 47 3/4" Length (Holds up to 32)
PEZRAIL48-B BLACK 47 3/4" Length (Holds up to 32)

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